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Meet the Candidates for 2013-2014 State Office!

The 2013 State Conference is less than 3 weeks away! The elections for state office is always an important part of the conference, and this year, we are proud to announce the official Meet the Candidates page located here! On this page, you can learn about all 17 candidates running for 2013 – 2014 State Office! In addition, every two days, the News Feed will be updated introducing each office’s candidates, starting with Sergeant-at-Arms! So Read more…

Window on Wilmington: Davey McGinnis, DE TSA President Talks ACS

Davey McGinnis, the Delaware TSA President recently starred on “Window on Wilmington.” In the broadcast video, Davey discussed TSA’s involvement with the American Cancer Society (ACS) and our commitment to support cancer research. Be sure to check out the video and attend the P.S. duPont or Mount Pleasant Relay for Life! Video not working on YouTube? See full video here: (skip to 27:27)

Celebrate TSA Advisor Appreciation Week!

Next week, March 4 – 8, celebrate TSA Advisor Appreciation Week! Plan a way with your chapter to show your appreciation for all the time and effort your advisor puts in to our organization! Try one of the following ideas, or come up with one on your own: Bring homemade food each day of the week for your advisor. Chapter members can choose a different day of the week to bake! Express your chapter’s appreciation Read more…

State Officer Applications – Due on Friday, March 1

As a reminder to Delaware TSA members who are interested in serving as a State Officer of TSA at the National TSA conference next year you will need to complete and submit the State Officer Application Packet.  The deadline for applications is Friday, March 1, 2013. The application must be received by the TSA State Advisor no later than 4:30 P.M on Friday, March 1. If you have questions, please contact Mike Fitzgerald at [email protected]  or by Read more…

Members on the Move: State Officers Team Up With P.S. duPont TSA at Hagley Museum’s Invention Convention!

On Monday, January 21, the state officers had their January service project at Hagley Museum’s Invention Convention. Along with many from the TSA chapter at P.S. duPont Middle School, the state officer team spent the day helping younger kids explore technology. These young boys and girls got the opportunity to take apart old machines and electronics such as vacuums, alarm clocks, keyboards, telephones, VCR players, and speakers to see what makes them up and how Read more…