The Technology Student Association Awards and Recognition Programs acknowledge outstanding individuals. Please be sure to read the descriptions on the application forms carefully as supplemental material may be required.
I believe that Technology Education holds an important place in my life in the technical world. I believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry.
Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live.
I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living.
I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals. Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability.
I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.
250,000 middle and high school students | 2,500 teachers and advisors
39% female and/or minority representation
75% college-bound | 49 state delegations
The purpose of this organization is to:
- Develop, through individual and team work, the ability of members to plan, organize, and use a variety of resources to solve problems
- Explore technology and develop an understanding of technological literacy
- Promote high standards of learning through curricular resource activities
- Encourage students in expressing creativity
- Develop consumer awareness
- Provide career opportunity information pertaining to a broad range of occupations, including training requisites, working conditions, salaries or wages, and other relevant information
- Provide exploratory experiences in classrooms and laboratories, and develop partnerships in business or industry to acquaint students with career opportunities
- Assist in providing guidance and counseling for students enrolled in technology education programs in making informed and meaningful career choices
- Expose students to the responsibility of representing a large membership
- Enstill desirable work habits and attitudes toward the positive way of life in students and foster a deep respect for the dignity of work
- Prepare individuals for enrollment in advanced or highly skilled vocational and technical education programs

The colors of TSA shall be scarlet (red), white, and blue (navy). Scarlet (red) represents the strength and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain their goal. White represents high standards, morals, and religious beliefs. Blue (navy) represents the sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining a greater knowledge of our technological world.
TSA Membership provides the opportunity:
- To work with guidance on complex projects from start to finish
- To work closely as part of a team
- to compete on state and national levels
- To develop leadership skills by participating at the local, state, or national levels
- To meet and work with business and industry leaders
- To travel to organized meetings
- To meet other students with similar interests
- To contribute time and effort to a national service project
- To receive recognition through TSA’s honor society, scholarships, and achievement programs
- To have a voice in a national organization that is helping shape the future of technology education in America’s classrooms
The goals of TSA are:
- To promote Technology Education in the school, community, state, and nation
- To increase student knowledge and broaden their understanding of technology
- To develop the ability of students to plan together, organize and carry out worthy activities and projects through the use of the democratic process
- To assist students by making information and meaningful occupational choices through exploratory experiences in schools, laboratories, and observations in business and industry
- To inspire and develop self-confidence and leadership skills
- To provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills through local, state and national contests
- To provide satisfactory social and recreational activities
Chapter and state advisors, and parents and chaperones, are responsible for seeing that all TSA student members wear official TSA attire, professional TSA attire, or business casual TSA attire as occasions may require. TSA attire may now be purchased online via the SHOP tab at the right. Official TSA attire, professional TSA attire, and business casual TSA attire are considered appropriate dress for related conference activities and public appearances. Since adults (advisors, parents, guests) serve as role models at TSA conferences and activities, they are expected to dress appropriately for all related occasions they attend. Students must adhere to the TSA dress code requirements as listed below.
During general sessions at the national conference, student members must wear official TSA attire, professional TSA attire, or business casual attire. Adults must dress appropriately. No flip-flops, halter tops, tank tops or shorts are permitted for anyone at the general sessions.
TSA contestants must refer to the TSA competitive event CD for specific attire required for each competition and to the Competitive Events Attire section in the general rules.
Official TSA Attire: Most Formal
Blazer: Navy blue with official TSA patch
Ties: Scarlet red imprinted with official TSA logo (for males and females)
Shirt or blouse: White, button-up with turn down collar
Pants or skirt: Light gray
Dark socks: Males only (black or dark blue)
Shoes: Black dress shoes (unacceptable – athletic shoes, combat or work boots)
Sandals: Females only may wear black open toe shoes or sandals
Professional TSA Attire: Less Formal
Shirt: Males or females, button-up with turn down collar(unacceptable – t-shirt, polo or golf shirt)
Blouses: Females only
Ties: Males required, females optional
Dress Pants (unacceptable – jeans, baggy pants, exterior pocket pants)
Dresses/Skirts: Females only (length even with tips of one’s fingers)
Dark Socks: Males only (black or dark blue)
Shoes: Dress shoes or boots(uncceptable:athletic shoes, combat or work boots)
Sandals: Females only may wear open toe shoes or sandals
Business Casual TSA Attire: Least Formal
Same as professional attire, however a tie is not required, and the shirt or blouse may be a polo or golf shirt. (Unacceptable – t-shirt or shorts)
Student Attendees
- ‘Delegate’ shall mean any TSA member (voting or non-voting) attending the conference
- There shall be no defacing of public property. Any damages to the property or furnishings in hotel rooms or buildings must be paid by the individual(s) or chapter(s) responsible. Delegates must follow facility guidelines for adhering signs, notices, posters, etc. to walls, doors or any facility surface
- Delegates shall keep their advisors informed of their activities and/or whereabouts at all times
- Delegate should be prompt and prepared for all activities
- Delegates should be financially prepared for all possibilities
- Delegates not staying at the official conference hotels shall be off the hotel grounds by curfew or immediately following the last scheduled event
- Dates shall be permitted to authorized activities only. Only by permission of chapter advisors will dates be permitted between TSA delegates
- No alcoholic beverages, narcotics, firearms or weapons, in any form, shall be possessed by delegates, alumni or other conference attendees at any time, under any circumstances
- Smoking or gambling in public will not be permitted since a delegate in TSA dress is officially representing a state and/or a national association of TSA
- No delegates shall leave the conference hotels (except for authorized events) unless permission has beenn received from the chapter/state advisors
- Delegates and voting delegates are required to attend all general sessions and activities assigned, including workshop, competitive events, committee meetings, etc., for which they are registered, unless engaged in specific assignments taking place at the same time
- Identification badges must be worm at all times by all persons in conference attendance
- Both state and chapter advisors will be responsible for their delegates conduct
- Delegates violating or ignoring any of the conduct rules will subject their entire delegation to being unseated and their candidates or competitive events participants being disqualified
- Casual wear will be accepted only during specific social functions, as designated
- No helium balloons will be allowed at any facility where the TSA National Conference is being held
- The TSA, Inc. Executive Committee reserves the right to dismiss any delegate from the conference for inappropriate actions
- Advisors shall conduct periodic meetings with their student delegates and voting delegates for the purpose ofreviewing the many conference activities that they can take advantage of, obtaining progress reports,emphasizing time schedules, sharing successes and, overall, to ensure that the students are taking full advantage of the conference and its activities
- Advisors shall keep an agenda for their own time and give it to their students so that the advisor may be reached during the conference at any time
- Each advisor shall be responsible for seeing that participants adhere to all conduct practices and procedures
- The rules as stated in this Code of Ethics and in the Dress Code are called to your attention for review and apply to advisors as well as students