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Statewide event ‘launches’ students into STEM

Medalists will represent Delaware at the National TSA Conference in Orlando, Florida, in June. Areas of competition include architecture, CAD, digital video production, dragster design, engineering design, flight, magnetic levitation vehicles, robotics, rocketry, structural engineering, system control technology, video game design and more. Each TSA event requires students to apply engineering and technology to solve problems and invent solutions. Read More on Delaware Online…

Student Prepare for Annual Engineering & Technology Conference

The 39th annual Delaware Technology Student Association (DETSA) State Conference is planned for April 26-27 with more than 960 students, advisors, and judges representing 37 high schools and middle schools from across the state in more than 65 contests. Media is invited to cover the conference at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington. Medalists will represent Delaware at the National TSA Conference in Orlando, Florida. Contests to be held will include: architecture, CAD, digital video Read more…

Human Foosball

DELAWARE TSA Human Foosball (Five individuals per team; $5 per individual) – A team can be made up of any five individuals who wish to play. All proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society (ACS) on behalf of Delaware Technology Student Association (DETSA). Game Rules Priority to play is provided to new participants; all participants must keep hands on the guide rail at all times; ball must be kept on the court at Read more…

Featured Member Abby Diaz

Featured Member: Abby Diaz

Abby Diaz, a freshman at Charter School of Wilmington, joined TSA as an eighth grader. It was not long before she fell in love with the organization. She quickly transitioned into high school and helped restart her school’s chapter with the help of many of her peers. Now, she serves on her chapter’s fundraising committee by actively planning events for the American Cancer Society. Competing in her favorite events, Promotional Design and Digital Video Production, Read more…