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Hagley Invention Convention

On Monday, January 16, the Delaware TSA State Officer team volunteered at the Hagley Museum’s Invention Convention. Along with chapter officers from P.S. duPont Middle School and state officers from SkillsUSA, the state officers helped younger children explore the wonders of video editing and even create (and “patent”) their very own inventions! The kids even had the opportunity to take apart old electronics such as Personal Digital Assistants, cell phones, desktop computers, and printers to Read more…

TSA Achievement Programs

National TSA has two under-utilized programs for recognizing the achievements of TSA members: the Achievement Award Program and the Technology Honor Society. Although few TSA members apply to these programs, many are qualified. The Technology Honor Society has requirements in the areas of Academics, Leadership, and Service. Students are inducted at the TSA National Conference, which is being held in Orlando, FL, from June 21-25, 2017. The Achievement Award Program is level-based, with bronze (chapter-level), Read more…

Canned Food

Fall Leadership Conference Canned Food Drive

On November 1 and 2, 2016, members from all Delaware Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) donated more than one ton of food to the Food Bank of Delaware! A big congratulations from the DETSA State Officer team goes out to members of all CTSOs for donating food to this worthwhile cause. Remember to continue to make donations and look for volunteer opportunities to make our community a better place.

State Officer Applications

State officer applications for the 2017-2018 school year are due by Friday, February 10, 2017. You can find the application on the Delaware TSA website, or you can click here. All of the state officers highly recommend that you apply if you love TSA and feel that you can improve the organization. If you have any questions about running for state office, feel free to email any of the current State Officers (contact information is Read more…

Featured Member Rinal Patel

Featured Member: Rinal Patel

Rinal Patel is a junior at Caesar Rodney High School and has been a dedicated TSA member since her freshman year. Rinal’s passion for fashion and creativity has grown through TSA, inspiring her to create quality work in both Fashion Design and Children’s Stories. Although not currently in a leadership role, she has expressed exceptional leadership qualities. Rinal has displayed her leadership repeatedly by creating social media pages for Caesar Rodney TSA, attending state business Read more…