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Featured Member: Dielle DeNoon

Dielle DeNoon is a Junior at Caesar Rodney High School who is passionate about all aspects of engineering and technology. Outside of school she does woodworking and likes to disassemble computers and other devices to learn how they work. Dielle was encouraged by her technology teacher to join TSA as a freshman and since then she has practiced her leadership and technical skills gained as a member of her chapter. Her favorite event last year Read more…

TSA National Leadership Conference Results

Students from across Delaware represented the First State as part of the Delaware Technology Student Association last week at the 39th annual National Technology Student Association Conference in Orlando, many bringing home awards for Top 10 finishes. In total, 172 students from Delaware competed in 127 individual and 115 team events that were focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).      Delaware students competed amongst 8,000 international finalists in events such as computer-aided Read more…

State Officers Advance STEM in The House and Senate

The newly elected state officer team met together for the first time to meet with the representatives and senators in the state house at the annual CTSO legislative day. DETSA President, Connor Wagaman led his officer team throughout the day while also speaking in both the house of representatives and the senate with his prepared speech that focused on the need for students to practice both leadership and STEM skills as advanced by student participation Read more…

Johnny Bui Named 2017 U.S. Presidential Scholar

Delaware TSA Congratulates OUR 2016-17 DETSA State President Mr. Johnny Bui from Caesar Rodney Senior High School who has been honored as one of 161 Students From Across the Country that was Named as a 2017 United States of America Presidential Scholar! Read More:

2017 Delaware TSA Conference Results

The 39th annual Delaware Technology Student Association conference was held on April 26-27, 2017 with over 1,000 students, advisors, coordinator, and judges from business and industry supporting over 37 schools from throughout the state in over 65 contests. Medalists will represent Delaware at the National Technology Student Association conference to held in Orlando, Florida this summer. Contestants will participate in events such as Architecture; CAD; Digital Video Production; Dragster Design; Engineering Design; Flight; Robotics; Structural Read more…