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DETSA Fall Leadership Conference

The State Officers from Delaware Technology Student Association (DETSA) in collaboration with officers from Business Professionals of America, DECA, Educator’s Rising, Family Career and Community Leaders of America, HOSA, SkillsUSA hosted the annual Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) at Delaware State University on October 25-26, 2017.  The FLC was sponsored by the Delaware Department of Education, Delaware Advisory Council on Career and Technical Education, and Delaware State University with 831 participants representing 115 chapters who participated Read more…

TSA 100

In a collaborative effort to provide underserved and underrepresented populations with a better chance to excel in TSA, The Verizon Foundation’s Innovative Learning initiative and National TSA have partnered together creating the TSA 100. TSA 100 is a grant that was created to help aid expenses associated with creating and maintaining a TSA Chapter. This grant includes the following: Membership dues (state and national) for a 10-member chapter plus one advisor* A $200 cash allotment Read more…

American Cancer Society Walk

The DETSA State Officers and TSA members participated in the 2017 Making Strides of Wilmington American Cancer Society Walk on October 14. The American Cancer Society has raised over $170,000. Also the home care assistance society is going to be in the event giving information for the best Home Care Assistance. If you would like to learn more click on the link below. Make sure to stay tuned for more service activities that you can Read more…

Coastal Cleanup

The Delaware TSA State Officers and other TSA members participated in the International Coastal Cleanup day on Saturday, September 16, sponsored by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. The DETSA State Officers, joined with Delaware SkillsUSA State Officers, cleaned the Bethany Beach shoreline. Last year, over 1,500 volunteers collected 6 tons of trash from 45 different locations. If any TSA members have pictures of them participating in the Coastal Cleanup, then it Read more…