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Competition Connections Sign-up Here!

Are you an expert in certain TSA events? Do you want to help other members learn more about competitions? Then you should sign up for Competition Connections! We want you, the DETSA members, to help us in aiding our new members learn more about TSA events! Not only will you get to help the new members, but you will also receive volunteer hours! The video on this post has some more details! Sign up today Read more…

Get To Know Your 2020-2021 DETSA Vice President

Hi Delaware TSA! My name is Aniketh Avula and I’m your State Vice President! Currently, I’m a senior at MOT Charter High School and besides TSA I am involved in Swim Team, Science Olympiad, and Math League. Things I like to do include driving, hanging out with my friends, and playing Xbox! I am very excited for what we can accomplish this year and I can’t wait to work with you all! If you ever Read more…

Get To Know Your 2020-2021 DETSA Secretary

Hey Delaware TSA :D! I’m Puiyee Kong, your 2020-2021 DETSA State Secretary! This year, I’m a sophomore at Caesar Rodney High School. At school, I run cross country, swim, and play tennis, and I’m part of Girls Who Code, Math League, and Scrubs Club! Besides school and TSA, I’m the Director of Communications for Financial Literacy for Youth, a speaker for Revive, a DYLN scholar, and an active member of Dear Asian Youth! My hobbies Read more…

Get To Know Your 2020-2021 DETSA Treasurer

Hello DETSA, my name is Karen Netto, and I am a junior at MOT Charter High School. I am delighted to be serving as your Delaware TSA State Treasurer this year! In addition to TSA, you can find me participating in Science Olympiad, Future Medical Professionals of America, Delaware Youth Leadership Network, Mock Trial, BPA, FFA, and Engage for Change Volunteering Club. I am thrilled to see what our organization will accomplish together this year! Read more…