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2020-2021 Documentation Guide

Are you having trouble with documentation for your events? Then look no further! Introducing the new 2020-2021 Documentation Guide! It goes through all the basics when it comes to documentation for your events! You can find it on the DETSA website,, under the “Resources” tab. 

Get To Know Your 2020-2021 DETSA President

Hey Delaware TSA! My name is Divita Taduvayi, and I am your 2020-2021 State President! I am currently a senior at MOT Charter High School, and this will be my seventh year being part of TSA! I enjoy participating in NHS, DYLN, Science Olympiad, swimming, and dance, and sharing my passion for computer science through Girls Tech Together. In my free time I love spending time with my friends, cooking, bullet journaling, listening to music, Read more…

RSVP to the Delaware TSA December Business Meeting

Our next business meeting is coming up fast, and we would like you, the members to join us for our DETSA December State Business Meeting on December 7th, 2020, via Zoom. We want to give all of our members a behind-the-scenes look at planning for the upcoming year, and we would love to hear more from everyone during these uncertain times. If you would like to attend, click on this link to RSVP. Make sure Read more…

Competition Connections Sign-up Here!

Are you an expert in certain TSA events? Do you want to help other members learn more about competitions? Then you should sign up for Competition Connections! We want you, the DETSA members, to help us in aiding our new members learn more about TSA events! Not only will you get to help the new members, but you will also receive volunteer hours! The video on this post has some more details! Sign up today Read more…