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Get To Know Your 2020-2021 DETSA Reporter

Hello Delaware TSA! My name is Samra Iqbal and I am your 2020-2021 DETSA State Reporter. I am currently a Sophomore at Caesar Rodney High School. At CR, I am a part of the field hockey team, Girls Who Code, and math league! Outside of school and TSA, I am a member of DYLN, participate in MIST, and am an active member of my Islamic community. I also love to bake, paint, and spend time Read more…

Get To Know Your 2020-2021 DETSA Sergeant-At-Arms

Hi, I’m Penn Smith and I am a senior at Sussex Central High School. It is a great honor to be your Delaware TSA Sergeant at Arms! Outside of TSA, I enjoy running cross country and track. I am also in math league, NHS, and marching band. Other than my school activities, I enjoy playing video games and spending time with my family, including my dog Cami! I can’t wait to see what this year Read more…

Middle and High School Event Quizzes

Are you new to TSA and don’t know which events are right for you? Do you want to participate in a new event this year, but don’t know which one? Then you should try out our new TSA Event Quiz. This quiz will give you a couple of events that might be right for you based off of your answers to questions! There is one for high school events and one for middle level events. Read more…

RSVP to the Delaware TSA November Business Meeting

A new month, a new business meeting! We would like to invite you to the DETSA November State Business Meeting on November 2, 2020, via Zoom. We want to give all of our members a behind-the-scenes glimpse at planning for the upcoming year. We would love to hear more from you, the members, during these challenging and uncertain times. If you would like to attend, click this link to RSVP. Make sure to RSVP by Read more…

State Committee Mentoring Program

It is almost time for the State Mentoring Committee Program application to come out! If you want to get more involved with DETSA or want to run for state office, this is the program for you! The program is for anyone in grades 8-11. You should apply if you are interested in helping advance Delaware TSA, state-level service, and becoming a future state officer! If you want to learn more, visit our website at Read more…