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Human Hungry Hippos

This year at the state conference we are excited to announce that we will have a new, team oriented fundraiser titled “Human Hungry, Hungry Hippos”. An example of this game can be found here. The object of the game is to collect as many balls as possible per team. Members can build their own 4 player team by registering with Katie Kalman, using the email address [email protected]; be sure to include your school, team name, and team member names. Read more…

Officer Election Bylaw Amendment

This year at the state conference voting delegates will be voting on a new amendment to the Delaware TSA bylaws. This amendment is aimed at eliminating the problem of candidates running unopposed for state office. This amendment has already been voted on by the state executive committee and passed unanimously; now it is your turn. Please read the amendment, which can be found here, and if you are a voting delegate be prepared to vote on it Read more…

Early Conference Registration and State Officer Applications

Even though there is snow on the ground, the state conference is just around the corner. The deadline for early conference registration and state officer applications is February 27th. If you are a Delaware TSA member looking to run for a state office please fill out the form here, and follow the instructions on when, and where to turn in your application, as well as information about the other steps of the application process. We Read more…

State Officers Inspire the Next Generation of Innovators

Last week the Delaware TSA state officers took part in an event called the Invention Convention at the Hagley Museum in Wilmington. This event is specifically geared towards young children, and encourages them to get creative. The event features a science show, an invention room, and a deconstruction room. The science show featured a chemist conducting various experiments for a large crowd of children and parents alike. In the invention room children could build anything Read more…

Delaware TSA State Officers Aid the Less Fortunate

The Delaware TSA state officers recently got together to participate in a classic holiday fundraising event, bell ringing for the Salvation Army. During their three hour time slot the officers collected an estimated $300, all of which went to support the salvation army. This event was great for getting outside and raising not only money, but also awareness for the struggles many of our fellow Americans face during the winter season. The officers are very Read more…