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Top state medalists represented Delaware at the National Technology Student Association’s (TSA) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) conference held at the National Harbor, Maryland Friday through Tuesday.  Students competed in high technology and in leadership contests such as computer-aided design; dragster design; engineering, inventions & innovations; leadership strategies; manufacturing prototype; medical technology; on-demand video; promotional graphics; structural engineering; system control technology; video game design; robotics, website design and more. The conference was the largest in the Read more…

DETSA State Officers Attend Annual State Officer Leadership Training

The Delaware TSA State Officer team attended the annual State Officer Leadership Training (SOLT) at Dover Garden Inn Hilton on June 17th, 2019. The SOLT was a two-day leadership training event for all Delaware CTSOs to grow as teams and leading individuals. This year’s SOLT was hosted by David Townsend, a former FFA national president. The two days we were there we worked with other CTSOs to solve problems, compete in team-building challenges, and learn Read more…

DETSA State Officers Meet Legislators at 150th General Assembly of the State of Delaware

The Delaware TSA State Officer team met at the Legislative Hall for the 150th General Assembly of the State of Delaware on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. We shared with legislators our gratitude to the ongoing support that they provide. The State Officers presented geraniums and cupcakes to members of the Senate and House of Representatives as our token of appreciation. The officers were honored to speak in the House of Representatives and Senate where we Read more…

First State Honors STEM Students

Students from across Delaware took home state honors last week from the 45th annual Delaware Technology Student Association (DETSA) conference at the state fairgrounds in Harrington. More than 1,000 students and advisers from 48 schools participated with 100 professionals representing business, industry and college judging 1,888 entries. Featured contests included aerodynamics, architecture, CAD, coding, digital video production, dragster design, engineering design, fashion design technology, flight, inventions and innovations, magnetic levitation vehicles, on demand video, robotics, Read more…

Future Leaders of STEM to be Honored

The Delaware Technology Student Association (DETSA) State Conference will held on April 3-4, 2019 at the state fairgrounds in Harrington with over 1000 students, advisors from up to 48 schools with judges representing business, industry and college.  Students will participate with nearly 1842 total contest entries. Medalists will be recognized in each contest. Contests will include: Architecture, CAD, Digital Video Production, Dragster Design, Engineering Design, Flight, Maglev Vehicles, Robotics, Rocketry, Structural Engineering, System Control Technology, Video Read more…