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2019 DETSA Fall Leadership Conference (FLC)

The Delaware Career and Technical Student Organizations of BPA, DECA, Educators Rising, FCCLA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA participated in the annual Fall Leadership Conference where students from all across the state learned skills in leadership through a series of engaging workshops provided by each of their state officer teams of the CTSOs. This year’s FLC was conducted at the DelTech Terry Campus on both October 8th and 9th. This year our State Officer team facilitated Read more…

State Officers Participate in 32nd Annual Delaware Coastal Cleanup

The Delaware Technology Student Association (DETSA) State Officers participated in the 32nd annual Delaware Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, September 14, 2019. The coastal cleanup is sponsored by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. It spans the First State’s 97-mile eastern coastline and includes river and ocean shorelines as well as wetland and watershed areas. It is estimated that nearly 2.7 tons of recyclables and trash were collected statewide from 42 sites along Read more…

2019 DETSA Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) – Registration Now Open!

The Delaware Career and Technical Student Organizations of BPA, DECA, Educators Rising, FCCLA, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA are excited to announce registration for the Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) is open.  The conference will be held at Delaware Technical Community College on Oct 8 or Oct 9, 2019. Students will gain skills in leadership through a series of engaging workshops. Location: Delaware Technical Community College – Terry Campus (Dover) State Officers from each student organization will facilitate a professional development Read more…

State Officers’ Workplan Retreat

The 2019-2020 DETSA State Officers stayed overnight at Cape Henlopen on August 15th for the annual summer retreat. At the retreat, the officers formed the 2019-2020 workplan, planned monthly service projects, and started planning for the upcoming Fall Leadership Conference (FLC). The officers were joined by this year’s SkillsUSA officers and DECA officers to also form their workplans for the coming year. Besides planning out the coming year, we had lots of fun playing volleyball, Read more…

Sergeant-At-Arms State Officer Position Open Now

The position for this year’s DETSA Sergeant-At-Arms is now open to applications! We are looking for dedicated members of TSA to join the state officer team and serve our state. Applications are now open and will be due on Friday, August 30th. Applications will need to be scanned and sent to [email protected]. A committee will review all received and complete applications. Invitations for an interview will be extended to those whom the committee recommends. Should Read more…