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Abby Diaz, a freshman at Charter School of Wilmington, joined TSA as an eighth grader. It was not long before she fell in love with the organization. She quickly transitioned into high school and helped restart her school’s chapter with the help of many of her peers. Now, she serves on her chapter’s fundraising committee by actively planning events for the American Cancer Society. Competing in her favorite events, Promotional Design and Digital Video Production, has allowed her to hone her skills in the visual arts. She has created promotional materials for several fundraising events. Outside of TSA, Abby participates in a myriad of volunteer opportunities to benefit her community, including road clean-ups, the March of Dimes, and the B+ Foundation. Abby dreams of one day becoming an acute care nurse practitioner. After attending numerous seminars and classes revolving around the medical field, she has found that her passion is to help others. Her involvement in restarting her school’s TSA chapter as well as her genuine passion for helping others are both defining qualities that merit her status as a featured member of Delaware TSA.

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