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Meet the 2013-2014 State Officer Team!

The National TSA Conference is fast approaching, we are now less than a month away! Your State Officers have updated the Leadership Team page on our website, so you can learn more about our interests and goals for this year. Be sure to check it out here! Are you ready for Nationals? We can’t wait to see you there!

Technology students take over State Fairgrounds for yearly conference

Written by: Sarah Barban ([email protected]) Students from Technology Students Associations across the state gathered at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington April 25-26 for the association’s annual conference. The two-day event gave 619 students from 34 schools an opportunity to compete in categories such as model rocketry; dragster design; and transportation modeling, in which students were tasked with designing bridges. Mike Fitzgerald, TSA state advisor, was in charge of planning the event and overseeing the Read more…

Delaware students compete in 2013 Junior Solar Sprint

DOVER (May 17, 2013) – With the roar of full-sized NASCAR racers in the background, more than 80 middle and junior high school students from 10 schools participated in Delaware’s 19th Annual Junior Solar Sprint Competition on Wednesday, May 15 near the Monster Monument at Dover International Speedway. DNREC’s Division of Energy and Climate organized the event to educate students about renewable energy and the environment through a creative and exciting competition.  Delaware TSA would like Read more…

Future Looks Bright With Students at STEM Event

Written by: Former U.S. Senator Ted Kaufman We all read a lot of headlines about how our education system needs to do more to ensure American competitiveness. It’s easy to nod your head, silently agree that something has to be done, and turn to the sports page. It’s hard to get a handle on something that abstract. Last week I watched Delaware high school and middle school students compete with each other to build structurally strong Read more…

Legislative Appreciation Day

On Thursday, May 9th, your state officers represented Delaware TSA, along with BPA, FFA, FCCLA, HOSA, and SkillsUSA, as we expressed our gratitude to the ongoing support Delaware legislators provide us. Along with other CTSO (Career Technical Student Organization) state officers, we visited Legislative Hall and presented geraniums to members of the Senate and House of Representatives as our token of appreciation. Officers also spoke to the representatives about our organizations’ contributions to the community. Read more…