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Donate to our ACS Fundraiser!

We are even closer to our goal! We only need $255 to pie Mr. Fitzgerald in the face! We have till April 30th. Don’t forget that you also have the chance to win the Chapter Service Award if your chapter raises the most money or you could be entered into a raffle to win gift certificates to either play golf or eat at Wild Quail Country Club! 

The 2021 DETSA State Conference is Tomorrow!

Attention DETSA! The 2021 DETSA State Conference begins tomorrow! Make sure to check the schedule before the conference begins so you know where you are supposed to be and when. Also, check out some of the amazing workshop topics that we have organized for you in between events! Before the conference begins, make sure you have stable internet and that your video, audio, and share screen feature are working properly. If you have any more Read more…

Attention DETSA Chapters! Check This Out!

Attention DETSA chapters! To recognize our chapters during the 2021 State Conference, there are a few things the state officer team would love if chapters could share with us! First, chapters can share pictures from chapter meetings, regional conferences, and/or state conferences. Second, chapters can submit a group photo collage of their graduating seniors. Finally, if you know of any retiring advisors, please let us know so we can reach out to them for permission to Read more…