State Committee Mentoring Program
Join the Delaware TSA State Committee Mentoring program! Students in grades 8-11 will have the opportunity to join one of the three state committees (Leadership, Communications, Service) and help the state level achieve their goals. Anyone who is interested in advancing Delaware TSA, state-level service, or becoming a future State Officer should join! Joining this program will help you advance your leadership, directly provide a voice in DETSA, and help make an impact at the state level. It can also give you insight as to how to manage projects, communicate effectively, and serve your community. Applications for the 2023-2024 year are open here.
Member of the Month
Are you an active member of TSA and love all the aspects of it? Become the next Member of the Month! We feature one member (or group of members) every month who show outstanding dedication to Delaware TSA. You will have the chance to be featured on our website and Instagram! Fill out our application to be the next Member of the Month!
Member of April: Manushri Gupta

Next up for our April MOTM, we present Manushri Gupta! Manushri is a TSA member from P.S. duPont Middle School and is an avid member of her community including TSA. A little more from her: “Along with TSA, I also participate in Math League, NJHS, Shakespeare Club, and Student Council. I am deeply involved in the activities offered at my school, and put in every effort to make it a better place.”