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The 2012 – 2013 DE TSA State Officer Team recently spent the weekend of August 10th to 13th together in Bethany Beach, DE for their summer retreat. During this time, the state officers discussed goals for the upcoming year, formed committees, planned service projects, and crafted the 2012 – 2013 work plan. In addition, the officers had fun on the boardwalk and at the beach, even spending a night ghost crabbing with state advisor, Mr. Fitzgerald. By the end of the four days, the team had come together and bonded not only with each other, but with Mr. Fitzgerald, and our newest management team member, Dr. Brown. The state officer team would like to thank Dr. Brown for hosting their stay at his beach house. As the school year approaches, the state officers are very excited to implement their work plan and fulfill their responsibilities as leaders for the delegation.

Finally, the state officers also helped complete the planning draft of the DE TSA Calendar which is now ready for chapters to use in planning their year!  Be sure to check the website and “News Feed” throughout the year for updates as some events and dates are subject to changes since this is a planning draft.  Let’s make this year a great one for Delaware TSA!